SKU 94914-05

Mapei Fiberglass Mesh Ready To Use, Thin, Strong & Flexible 39.4" X 75' 246 Sq.ft

SKU 94914-05


MAPEI’s Fiberglass Mesh is a ready-to-use, thin, strong yet flexible alkali-resistant mesh for embedment with waterproofing and crack-isolation membranes, including MAPEI’s Mapelastic, Mapelastic 315, Mapelastic HPG, and Mapelastic Smart on residential and commercial floors, walls, and ceilings.Fiberglass Mesh reinforces and improves the performance of MAPEI’s waterproofing membranes when applied over cracks, coves and corners and around drains on residential and commercial applications. Fiberglass Mesh can be cut to size with scissors or a razor knife and has excellent compatibility with all MAPEI cement- or epoxy-based mortars.

  • Compatible with MAPEI’s Mapelastic, Mapelastic 315, Mapelastic HPG, and Mapelastic Smart waterproofing membranes and Mapeband ™ accessories
  • Fully compatible with MAPEI mortars and grouts for complete system protection
  • Durable and flexible; lays flat, making it easy to embed